

03. október 2020

Vegna hertra sóttvarnarráðstafana

Vegna hertra sóttvarnarráðstafana (English below)

Nú í dag lagði sóttvarnalæknir fram tillögur um hertar aðgerðir vegna þróunar COVID.  Þær munu hafa veruleg áhrif á skólastarfið.  Nánari upplýsingar munu birtast hér seinni part sunnudagsins 4. október.

Kær kveðja,

Hildur skólameistari


Due to stricter measures due to COVID

Due to stricter restrictions because of COVID that are being issued in Iceland,  we will have to make several changes to how we run the school for the next two weeks at least.  More information will appear here tomorrow afternoon and also by e-mail.

Best regards,

Hildur principal