

Elsa’s gallery site

One good example of individual project is Elsa’s gallery site where she was getting familiar with animations and microinteractions through a JavaScript library called Framer Motion.

Animations and microinteractions

The individual projects are a part of each module (with the exception of Module 2, 7 and 8). This is where students get familiar with the concepts that they need to work with in the group project so that they can become a valuable member of their group who can make good contributions to the group work. Often students go way beyond just getting familiar with the concepts and individual projects themselves become a peace of art.

One such example is Elsa’s gallery site where she was getting familiar with animations and microinteractions through a JavaScript library called Framer Motion. In this project she did a page that shows student works so if you take a look at the project you will be able to see other individual work where students did more than just what was expected of them.

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