


The internship project is done during the summer and it is the last project (called Module 8) before graduation.

Elementary school application

The internship project is done during the summer and it is the last project (called Module 8) before graduation. In this projects students work together in groups inside companies to get a feeling of how it is to be a web development team in a real company. Every two weeks teachers, students and company representatives meet and talk about the progress of the project. This is where students really start to feel it all come together and see how the things they have been learning are used in the real world.

In the summer of 2022 one group went to Reykjavíkurborg. They created an elementary school application for parents to apply to a new school for their children. It is live now and it is the official way to register your child to a new school in Reykjavík. They worked with a number of great people from Reykjavíkurborg that helped them get the resources that they needed to develop this site. 

The students involved in this project were Tristan, Tryggvi and Kristrún. Vala, project manager from Reykjavíkurborg was very helpful and involved in the project and Eysteinn, product designer (and a former student of Vefskólinn) helped to get them up and started with their design system, called Hanna.

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