

Redesigning an app

Tinna Halldórsdóttir took on the task of redesigning an app that had been criticized and debated in the media to put herself into the (not so enviable) shoes of the designers of the app and try out how it is to work on such an opinionated product.

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At the end of the school-year, before the summer internship starts, we have an individual project (called Module 7) where students can dive deeper into something that they find interesting within the field of web-development. This module ends with a small “conference” where everyone has a small workshop to introduce their topic for the rest of the group so everyone gets a little taste of what others found interesting.

Tinna Halldórsdóttir took on the task of redesigning an app that had been criticized and debated in the media to put herself into the (not so enviable) shoes of the designers of the app and try out how it is to work on such an opinionated product.

Click here for an overview of the project

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