

01. mars 2020

Reg­ar­ding COVID-19 corona­virus

Regarding COVID-19 coronavirus

As state of alert has now been issued because of the COVID-19 corona­virus The Depart­ment of Civil Protection and Emer­gency Mana­gement emp­hasizes the import­ance of following instructions issued by the Icelandic chief of epi­dem­iology. The newest information can always be found on the web www.landla­eknir.is

Stu­dents and par­ents/​guar­dians are asked to monitor reg­ul­arly which areas have been defined as risk areas. If stu­dents or their families have been staying in those areas, they will need to go into quar­antine as instructed by the Directorate of Health. Stu­dents who have a weak immune system or und­er­lying respiratory diseases are advised to consult their medical specialist or family doctor.

Indi­viduals who have symptoms and might have been exposed to infection, for example due to tra­velling, are encouraged to contact health aut­ho­rities by calling the number 1700 and get instructions. Those who have been in close contact with indi­viduals that have a con­firmed or possible infection will need to go into quar­antine, as will those who have recently tra­velled to areas defined as risk areas.

It is not unlikely that the number of those in Ice­land that need to go into quar­antine will rise and thus it is likely to affect the school. If teachers need to go into quar­antine there could be a change in teaching met­hods but we will do our best to keep the school operating and keep you informed. If a stu­dent is diagnosed with COVID-19 and/​or needs to go into quar­antine we ask that you contact Guðrún Randalín Lár­us­dóttir ass­istant principal through grl@tskoli.is