

13. mars 2020

School closure – remote learning

School closure – remote learning

Dear stu­dents
Today the govern­ment of Ice­land announced that upper secondary schools and uni­versities will close for 4 weeks starting Monday. This mea­sure is one of many taken to slow down the transmission of the COVID-19 virus. Due to this studies will be done remotely via internet in Tækni­skólinn for the next three weeks which are then followed by easter break.
On Monday there will be no classes. Teachers and other staff mem­bers will use the weekend and Monday to prepare for remote teaching. We will use Microsoft Teams along with our teaching system Inna. You will get more information on that no later than Monday. If you do not have access to a device like a computer, tablet or smart phone, you can send an e-mail to tolvut­hjonusta@tskoli.is and we will try to solve that.
The studies and courses in Tækni­skólinn are diverse. Some courses require stu­dents to work mainly in the class­room but some courses can be done over the internet. And some of the courses are somewhere in between. Our goal is that the stu­dents will not be delayed in their studies more than necessary and the teaching will be in line with that goal. The syll­abus in some courses may be changed because of the school closure and we ask you to be aware of that. The teachers will use dif­f­erent teaching met­hods online. The teachers will be on Microsoft Teams in accor­d­ance to your time table. How the les­sons and the proj­ects are org­an­ized will be dif­f­erent between courses. You will get more information from your teachers.
Even though you can‘t come to the school building we will try to assist you as possible. You can
have an online meeting with the school coun­sellors and the psychologist, the staff of the
information center will be on hand etc. alt­hough most will mainly be working from home.
Fortuna­tely we have the technology to do this today.
At last I encourage you to follow the instructions from the Directorate of Health about the COVID-19 virus. I also encourage you to study as well as you can at home, take good care of your­selves and the people around you. Don‘t hesi­tate to contact us if you if you have any questions.
Best reg­ards,
Hildur principal