

18. mars 2020

Support services

Support services

Dear stu­dents and par­ents/​par­ental guar­dians

Please find enc­losed information about the services of stu­dent coun­sellors, the school psychologist, the study lab and tutoring sessions in maths during the closure of the school build­ings. We ask that you read it through and acquaint your­self with it. Support services staff encourages you to get in touch and would like to emp­hasize that the services are no less important to you now.

Student counsellors

  • Students can phone or send emails as usual.
  • Students can make an appointment for a telephone call with a counsellor in INNA. See further information below. Please make sure your phone number in INNA is correct. If a student makes an appointment in INNA the counsellor will call at the time of the appointment.
  • Counsellors will in some cases contact students.
  • Parents/parental guardians are encouraged to get in touch should questions arise.
    For further information about student counsellors please visit

Psychologist Bene­dikt Bragi will cont­inue to offer coun­selling.

Making an appointment in INNA

  • At the bottom of the INNA frontpage, choose „Order office hours“.
  • Next pick a „name“ from the drop-down box and choose a suitable time.

Study lab

Teachers in the study lab assist stu­dents through Microsoft teams at the following times:

  • Hanna Bjartmars, hab@tskoli.is , every weekday at 10:00 – 14.00
  • Ragnhildur Blöndal, rbl@tskoli.is, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:00 -15:00
    Next week they will also be reachable by telephone and their phone numbers will appear here.

Tutoring sessions in maths

Tutoring sessions in maths will cont­inue on Sat­ur­days at 10:00 – 12:00 but will be taught through Microsoft Teams. Stu­dents who would like to attend the tutoring sessions send an email to the teacher Ævar Rafn at aeh@tskoli.is, before 16:00 on Fri­days. Ævar will start a group every Sat­urday and this process will need to be repeated every week to attend. Please note that there will be no tutoring sessions on April 4th and April 11th.

I encourage you to use the services provided and please don’t hesi­tate to contact us.

Best reg­ards, Guðrún Randalín vice principal